We all love our dogs like family! Unfortunately, some human food can be toxic for dogs. Here's a list of Fruits and Vegetables Toxic for Dogs.
Who can resist those puppy dog eyes and cute doggie wagging tails? Can a little table food or getting into Mom and/or Dad's stuff hurt your dog?
Well, that depends on what it is and what it contains. If it contains the sweetening agent xylitol, it can pose some problems for your dog.
In fact, there’s a lot of human food your dog should never eat. It has nothing to do with weight. Some foods actually hurt dogs and some of them you'd never think of.
We may assume that fruits and vegetables healthy for us are good for our dogs. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Some fruits and vegetables are toxic to dogs.
So if you plan on sharing with your dogs, make sure you don’t include any of these items.
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- Guide to Fruits and Vegetables Toxic for Dogs
- 1. Can Dog's Have Alcohol?
- 2. Can Dog's Eat Apple Seeds?
- 3. Can Dog's Eat Asparagus?
- 4. Can Dog's Eat Avocadoโs?
- 5. Baking Soda, Baking Powder
- 6. Can Dog's Eat Cherries?
- 7. Can Dog's Eat Chives?
- 8. Can Dog's Eat Chocolate?
- 9. Can Dogs Have Coffee or Caffeine?
- 10. Can Dog's Eat Fruit Pits and Seeds from Fruit?
- 11. Can Dog's Eat Garlic, Onions or Chives?
- 12. Can Dogs Eat Grapes?
- 13. Can Dog's Eat Macadamia Nuts?
- 14. Can Dog's Have Milk and Dairy?
- 15. Can Dog's Eat Mushrooms?
- 16. Can Dog's Eat Nuts?
- 17. Can Dog's Have Nutmeg?
- 18. Can Dog's Eat Onions?
- 19. Can Dog's Eat Persimmon Seeds?
- 20. Can Dog's Eat Rhubarb?
- 21. Can Dog's Eat Salt or Salty Food Snacks?
- 22. Can Dog's Eat Toothpaste?
- 23. Can Dog's Eat Tomatoes?
- 24. Can Dog's Eat Yeast Dough?
- 25. Xylitol
- Are all Fruits and Vegetables toxic for dogs?
Guide to Fruits and Vegetables Toxic for Dogs
1. Can Dog's Have Alcohol?
Did you know that alcohol has the same effect on a dog's liver and brain that it has on people? It does, but it only takes a tiny amount of beer, liquor, wine or even food with alcohol to become toxic for dogs.
A small amount of alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, breathing problems and coordination problems eventually leading to a coma or death.
2. Can Dog's Eat Apple Seeds?
Although you might want to give your dog an apple core, the pip, seeds, and stones from such fruits as apples, cherries, plums, peaches, etc. can contain cyanide and can be deadly to your dog.
Apple seeds contain cyanide. Cancer causing, poisonous cyanide.
3. Can Dog's Eat Asparagus?
Asparagus isn't dangerous for dogs, but it's not the best choice.
Raw asparagus is too hard, and when you cook it down so it's soft enough to eat, asparagus loses a lot of nutrients.
If you really want to share a veggie, something healthier is probably best.
4. Can Dog's Eat Avocado’s?
Dogs should not eat avocados.
Avocados, contain persin. It’s fine for people who aren’t allergic to it. Too much, though, can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.
If you grow avocados at home, don't let your dog near the plants. Persin is in the leaves, the seeds, the bark, and the fruit. Also, avocados seeds can become stuck in the intestines or stomach, causing an obstruction.
The pit, skin and leaves of avocados contain persin, which causes vomiting and diarrhea in dogs.
They can cause breathing problems and diarrhea.
5. Baking Soda, Baking Powder
Baking Soda and Baking Powder are often used baking items are highly toxic to dogs in large amounts. They can cause vomiting, diarrhea and poisoning.
6. Can Dog's Eat Cherries?
Cherries contain cyanide and are toxic to dogs. Eating cherries can cause your dog's eyes to dilate, have difficulty breathing, and red gums from having cyanide poisoning.
7. Can Dog's Eat Chives?
Chives are part of the onion family and should never be given to either dogs or cats.
They can cause your pet red blood cells to rupture, causing vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. All breeds of dogs are susceptible.
8. Can Dog's Eat Chocolate?
We're all familiar with the different chocolate. Dark, white or milk chocolate.
The most dangerous chocolate is dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. The problem with chocolate is that it contains theobromine. A highly toxic substance that can cause heart problems, tremors, and seizures. Even a small amount can lead to death.
9. Can Dogs Have Coffee or Caffeine?
If you want your dog to be perky, give him toys. Caffeine can be fatal for dog’s. Be careful with coffee and tea, even the beans and grounds.
Keep your pup away from cocoa, chocolate, colas and energy drinks. Caffeine is in some cold medicines and pain pills as well.
Do you think your dog had caffeine? Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. Coffee and Caffeine might be fatal for a dog. Even coffee beans or coffee grounds are toxic.
10. Can Dog's Eat Fruit Pits and Seeds from Fruit?
The problem with seeds of fruit is that they can cause blockages in a dogs’s small intestine.
Most people know not to eat the pits and seeds, but our dogs are scavengers that will eat just about anything. Therefore, it’s important to keep them away from dogs.
11. Can Dog's Eat Garlic, Onions or Chives?
These vegetables and herbs can irritate the gut and cause damage to red blood cells and anemia. Although cats are more susceptible, dogs can also get sick if they consume too much.
12. Can Dogs Eat Grapes?
Although grapes and raisins may cause kidney failure, the toxic substance in them is unknown. Until we know more about grapes and raisins, we recommend that you avoid giving them to dogs.
There are better treats for your dog. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney disease in dogs. Even a tiny amount can make a dog sick. Vomiting is a warning sign. It won't be long before your dog goes sluggish and depressed.
Just a small amount of grapes can cause irreversible kidney failure. If your dog eats some grapes or raisins, get them to a veterinarian right away.
Frozen grapes are a great treat for humans. For dogs, it can cause kidney failure. It only takes a small amount of grapes for a dog to vomit and become sluggish and depressed.
13. Can Dog's Eat Macadamia Nuts?
Macadamia nuts can make dogs weak, depressed, throw up and tremble. Symptoms appear within 12 hours of ingestion and can last 24 to 48 hours.
They can develop muscle shakes, vomiting, run a high temperature and even weakness in their back legs. Keeping nuts away from pets is imperative to their health.
14. Can Dog's Have Milk and Dairy?
Pets don't have a lot of lactase, which breaks down lactose in milk, so milk and other dairy products cause them diarrhea or other digestive upset.
15. Can Dog's Eat Mushrooms?
Dogs can get sick from wild mushrooms. Only about half of the mushroom species worldwide are toxic, but the ones that are poisonous can hurt your dog or even kill him. It could be fine to feed your dog white mushrooms from the supermarket, but it's safer to stay away from fungi altogether.
No, mushrooms are toxic for dogs. Especially wild mushrooms. This is a fungus that a dog should not eat and can even lead to death.
16. Can Dog's Eat Nuts?
Nuts, like almonds and pecans, are packed with oil and fat. The fat can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and pancreatitis in pets.
You should always avoid giving your dog nuts of any kids. Different nuts carry a variety of different symptoms and can be fatal for a dog.
The worst offenders of nuts are walnuts, pecans, pistachios, macadamia nuts and Brazil nuts.
17. Can Dog's Have Nutmeg?
While it’s not something common, that’s lying around your house. Nutmeg can be potentially deadly for dogs, causing tremors and seizures in dogs.
18. Can Dog's Eat Onions?
Straight up, onions will not only poison your dogs, they are poisonous for cats as well. Never feed your dogs onions.
Onions like garlic are common in most households. Unfortunately, onions, whether powdered, raw, cooked or even dehydrated, should be kept away from your dog. Onions can kill a dog's red blood cells, which may cause anemia.
Manufacturer’s hide onions in many common household spices and foods. Even some baby food has some onion powder.
Did your dog get into some onions? You’ll want to look for onion toxicity symptoms like weakness, vomiting, and eventually breathing problems.
19. Can Dog's Eat Persimmon Seeds?
Occasionally I’ll find Persimmon fruit in my local grocery store.
After talking to our veterinarian, I found out that the persimmon seeds are harmful for my dogs. A small amount can cause a high temperature and diarrhea.
20. Can Dog's Eat Rhubarb?
Rhubarb is a surprise to me. I would have thought it was okay for dogs. I was wrong!
Rhubarb can cause damage to the nervous system, kidneys, heart problems and even affect the digestive tract. If you have a garden with Rhubarb, you’ll want to keep your dog away from the garden.
21. Can Dog's Eat Salt or Salty Food Snacks?
Salt or Salty food might lead to sodium ion poisoning, which can be fatal for a dog. Symptoms of too much salt can include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, a high temperature and seizures.
22. Can Dog's Eat Toothpaste?
Human toothpaste often contains ingredients that are toxic to dogs. And some brands even include Xylitol. If needing toothpaste, choose a dog safe toothpaste. Arm and Hammer make a dog toothpaste that even comes with a little toothbrush.
23. Can Dog's Eat Tomatoes?
While ripe tomatoes are probably ok, unripe tomatoes or tomato plants can harm your dog. They have ‘tomatine’ that affects the nervous system, kidneys, and digestive tract so if you are growing your own, make sure you have them well fenced off from your furry friend.
No. Dogs should not eat tomatoes. Tomatoes can make a dog sick because they contain solanine, a toxic substance found in the green parts of the tomato.
24. Can Dog's Eat Yeast Dough?
Yeast dough can rise and cause gas to accumulate’s digestive system. This can hurt and cause the stomach to bloat, and possibly twist, resulting in a life-threatening emergency. The yeast produces ethanol, which is why dogs can get drunk after eating raw bread dough (See alcohol).
When making homemade bread, the dough needs to rise. Yeast Dough helps breads to rise. Unfortunately, if your dog gets into the yeast dough, that’s exactly what happens in the dog's stomach if they eat it. As the dough swells in a dog's stomach, it can cause a lot of pain.
Plus, when it ferments, it causes alcohol poisoning as it creates alcohol when it rises.
25. Xylitol
Sweeteners like xylitol are in candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and diet foods. It can make your dog's blood sugar drop and can also cause liver failure. The first signs are vomiting, lethargy, and coordination problems. Eventually, your dog may suffer from seizures. Liver failure can happen in just a few days.
Because Xylitol is DEADLy for dogs. In just a matter of hours, you can lose your dog. Reading labels on anything you bring into the home is a must. Xylitol is in many products labeled as “sugar free” such as yogurts, guy, candy, or even peanut butter.
Poisoning from Xylitol can cause a dog's blood sugar to drop and cause liver failure within just a few days. Eventually your dog may have seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and coordination problems.
Are all Fruits and Vegetables toxic for dogs?
No not all fruits and vegetables are toxic for dogs. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables that dogs can enjoy.
Click here to find the list of Fruits and Vegetables safe for dogs to eat.
We hope you found this list of Fruits and Vegetables Toxic for Dogs helpful.
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