How to Reward your Dog for Behaving
Are you new to dog parenting and dog training? Then it’s time for you to learn more about positive reinforcement.
Positive reinforcement involves rewarding good behavior.
Because rewards encourage dogs to repeat certain behaviors, positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for shaping their behavior.
Rewards can take many forms. Depending on your dog's preference, you can choose which one he enjoys most.
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1. Reward Your Dog With Their Favorite Treats
In dog training, food is the primary positive reinforcer. Some pet parents just feed their pets kibble, while others use premium treats.
You should find out what your pet likes best in terms of food.
Shop-bought treats are high in calories, so you might choose healthier brands or making your own dog treats.
Some of our dogs favorite homemade dog training treats are Cinnamon Heart Honey Dog Treats and Homemade Dog Liver Flavored Dog Training Treats.
2. Importance of Physical Attention
Another way to show how much you appreciate your pet is to pet or gently stroke him. It's one of the best ways to reward your dog!
In order for him to associate this reward with the action, it must come immediately after he follows the command.
3. Shower Your Dog with Praise
Since our pets cannot understand English, plain words wouldn't make a difference to them.
A good pet parent-dog relationship is determined by the pitch of your voice and the way you carry yourself.
Praise your dog with a higher pitch when you praise him. You should do it with such love and enthusiasm that he knows you are happy with his training results.
4. Find A New, Unique Toy Your Dog Will Love
Similarly, toys can motivate just as much as food.
Look for some toys you can use during training sessions that you can purchase from the store.
When not using them as rewards, store them in a drawer. This will make them more enjoyable for your pet every time it sees them.
5. Spend Time Playing Outside With Your Dog
As a reward for another successful training session, you can extend playtime outside.
Even if you don't have a yard, you can still play outdoor games in it for a rewarding experience.
You can play fetch, hide and seek, or just chase each other around. It's so fun!
6. Allow Your Dog to Play In The Yard
After training, let your dog play freely in the yard.
There is no better place for dogs to spend time outdoors than the backyard, where they can play their favorite games.
They can also enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
7. Head to A Park After Training
Walking is not commonly seen as a reward, but freedom in any form can be highly motivating for dogs.
In addition to being able to interact and play in fun environments, dogs also enjoy meeting new people.
Ask your dog to follow a particular command before you let him play off-leash at the park.
8. Let Your Dog Meet New People
When you have friends or family members coming over, why not train your dog before they arrive? Afterwards, you can reward your dog by allowing him to greet visitors.
Although each dog has a unique personality and behavior, especially when dealing with strangers.
You should only allow him to greet them when you are sure that he will behave politely.
9. Give Your Dog Permission to Sniff, please!
Exploring new scents is one of the most exciting things for dogs.
It's one of the main ways they learn about the world around them. You can make your dog happier by thinking like he does.
No matter what it is, your dog will surely enjoy smelling it, whether it is something as small as a piece of garbage or something as complex as your new shoes.
10. Reward your Dog by Cuddling
In addition to being beneficial to your dog, this reward is also beneficial to you.
Having a best friend cuddle with you can have multiple positive psychological effects on both of you. Include it in your training sessions.
Pets shouldn't be allowed to jump on the bed or couch whenever they want. Instead, teach him too respond to commands first. It's like asking for permission to do awesome, cozy things!
You develop a stronger bond with your dog when you reward him.
If you want your dog to be a great family companion, you have to shape his personality, and positive dog training can help you do that.
There will be rewards involved, so he will look forward to each training session and be eager to try new things.
In addition, as you go through training sessions day after day, your pet will learn to trust you even more, resulting in a stronger and more fulfilling relationship!
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